Saturday, February 11, 2012


After a few months without Jack, we decided to adopt a new puppy!  I wanted to get a puppy and I wanted a rescue dog.  Since I like to walk and sometimes have to go alone, I wanted the dog to get big.  Thanks to a very special person, I found the perfect puppy for our family! She picked him up and kept him for a week until I could get him!

We finally decided that his name was Cooper after trying out several names.  We've had him a few weeks now and he's a pretty good little dog.  He already walks 4 - 5 miles with me.  (I asked the vet and she said that it was ok to go that far.)  He's chewed up 2 iPod cords, and a lot of paper, but I really expected it to be much worse.  I'm sure there is more to come.

He starts puppy school on Wednesday!  He was supposed to start last Sunday, but when we got there, they said the class didn't make, so they put us in another class.  I can't wait to learn how to better take care of my new baby. 

For some reason, he seems to only want to attack ME!! I'm going to ask the puppy trainer how I can stop that.  I'm not a fan of getting bit all the time.  Well, I guess I have to go now since he's attacking me as I type!

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