Saturday, February 25, 2012

Not on a Saturday!!!

Today is Saturday!! When I think of Saturday, I think of lounging around the house, going shopping, going to the lake, running errands, finding new places to eat, and mostly a day that's all about ME and what I want to do!!  What I don't think of on a Saturday is spending my day in a professional development training.  Well, that's what I'll be doing today.  I can't even complain about it because I was one of the ones that voted to have it today and get last Monday off.  Seemed like a great idea a month or two ago.  Actually, if there was going to be a Saturday training, today would be the best day for it since Mike has to work today, too!!

I'm having the hardest time getting motivated today.  I need to get up and take Cooper for a walk, but I'd rather spend a little more time sleeping.  I'm going on my 3rd day in a row with really bad sleep.  I didn't walk yesterday, so I guess I can't skip today, too!!

I guess I better get going!  Hope everyone has a great day!! I'll just pretend that my PD is on a beach today!  That should help! Right?

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